Saturday, May 10, 2014

Holy Week @ Subic Day 3 Part 2 & Day 4


It's already 4 pm when we got there and the only ticket that's available for selling is the Night Safari. Since we have dinner with family friends later, we just bought the ticket for the entrance of the zoo instead. By the way, That sharp looking thins that I'm holding is actually a hedgehog. It really is sharp. The petshop is located just outside the zoo.


Welcome to the Zoobic Safari. First off, we have monkeys...Wait a minute, ooopppssss they are not monkeys????? They are my niece hahaha

I know I know....Birds again. Well.....What's a zoo without a bird right?

The only difference is that the I finally saw a peacock spreading his tail feathers to attract females. Now that's fabulous!
Front View

Side View
Back View

Seems like he knows that I'm taking a photo of him

There are many animals too from adorable looking mammals...

 To fearsome predators

I'm really fascinated by the beauty of this huge feline.

I haven't seen a camel before. They really are huge.

At the end near the exit is an aquarium full of snakes and lizards of different kind. From poisonous to constrictors


Black Saturday, no meat? Well we ate chicken meat. I hope that's okay. ^_^ We ate with the same people last night

Except that Alain and Bench joined us this time on our dinner. Forgot to take a picture of us.


Vacation's over :( I hope it can be extended, work load will pile up if I won't go home.
Glad there's no heavy traffic on the way home. We had our first stop at a gas station in NLEX. There's another zoo!!!!!!!! Zoo overload for this vacation huh? I took a photo with a snake and an iguana ^_^

Guess who I saw....

Them again! hahaha 

That sums up my vacation in Subic. I hope I can get another long weekend vacation. Out of the country I guess? hahaha Need to save money first

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